Results from several studies indicate that in the body CRICKET (Grillus testaceus walk) contained a variety of compounds of high nutritional value as well as other compounds of pharmacological value quite well. Based on this research could eventually revealed little that was contained in the body component cicada necklace has the potential to be used both as a source of food and raw materials for industry.
The existence of amino acid content "lysine" and "cystein" high and omega-3 and omega-6, then the crickets, it is possible to be used as high-quality raw materials for both food products and poultry feed and fish. The content of hormone-steroid hormone (estrogen, progesterone and testosterone) and the protein collagen, and also omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6, then the CRICKET(Grillus testaceus walk) also potentially be used as a raw material of pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. There are many chemical compounds in the CRICKET(Grillus testaceus walk) like the hormone-protein hormone (FSH / LH and hormones that regulate metabolism in the body), digestive enzymes and metabolic enzymes for the catalysts as well as various vitamins which is which until now has not been revealed.
The existence of amino acid content "lysine" and "cystein" high and omega-3 and omega-6, then the crickets, it is possible to be used as high-quality raw materials for both food products and poultry feed and fish. The content of hormone-steroid hormone (estrogen, progesterone and testosterone) and the protein collagen, and also omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6, then the CRICKET(Grillus testaceus walk) also potentially be used as a raw material of pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. There are many chemical compounds in the CRICKET(Grillus testaceus walk) like the hormone-protein hormone (FSH / LH and hormones that regulate metabolism in the body), digestive enzymes and metabolic enzymes for the catalysts as well as various vitamins which is which until now has not been revealed.
Nutrition Facts :
1. Protein……………………………………….....4.87 kal/gr
2. Fat……………………………………………...21-32 %
3. Cystein………………………………………...44.76 mg/g
4. Progesterone……………………………….105.49 ppm
5. Testosterone…………………………………31.78 ppm
6. Estrogen…………………………………...259.535 ppm
7. Linoleic Acid (Omega 3 Pure )………………1.25 mg/kg
8. Linolenic Acid ( Omega 6 Pure )…………….0.89 mg/kg
Excellent Use For Raw Material :
1. Fishmeal’s Industries.
2. Feed mills Industries.
3. Cosmetic Industries.
4. Pharmaceutical Industries
Packaging :
1 Jar (Plastic Bottle) = 140 gr
1 Carton = 10 Jar
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